Description: VRidge Incorporated is a software development startup based in Irvine, California, USA, focused on the creation of the next communications platforms using Virtual/Augmented Reality technologies.Our experience in Telematics and Online platforms (founded Waypoint Telecom, 2007), Realtime 3D Graphics (founded Coiron Graphics, 2012), and Live Broadcasting technology (founded Coiron Inc, 2014), along with our VR/AR research and development, gives us the know-how and tools to create outstanding virtual reality solutions for real-time communications.VRidge is the company behind VRAVO!, the first virtual reality tele-presentations platform.
Industry: E-Learning
Company size: 1-10 employees
XRD rank: –
Headquarter: Irvine, CA
Ownership: Private company
Founded year: 2016
Skillset: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, E-Learning, and Presentations
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: –