Description: VR Oxygen was formed to study people and the way they use virtual reality, their mental models, needs, and desires; to find, validate, and solve the problems they face with this new medium. As well as to explore the process of creating a VR experience and to develop an efficient VR Product Design workflow. Constantly analyzing and testing various VR products and tools drives the enhancement of virtual reality experiences forward.
Industry: Software
Company size: 1-10 employees
XRD rank: 4841362
Headquarter: Global
Ownership: Private company
Founded year: –
Skillset: Virtual Reality, Education, Games, Entertainment, VR Design, VR Consulting, Social VR, VR Product Development, VR UX, VR UX Evaluation, Mobile VR, and education
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: Global, OO