Description: We are a creative agency that produce and distributes Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) content and Mobile Application Development. Company idea is to help businesses promote their products and services using new technology with Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mobile Applications. We also build technology to support new way of doing marketing and promoting specific products/services. Working with brands and companies by producing for them specific solutions and attractive way on how to promote their products and services using new technology with Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality.SyncLab mission is to create an environment for businesses where innovation can thrive. By doing this we will boost the creativity and innovation from the youngest, this will open opportunities for future careers.
Industry: Software
Company size: 11-50 employees
XRD rank: –
Headquarter: Prishtina, Kosovo
Ownership: Partnership
Founded year: 2016
Skillset: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mobile Development, and Software Engineering
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: London, London, GB