Description: Integence provides innovative interactive solutions for business, media and advertising. The main axis of the company is to provide unusual and often unprecedented solutions in the field of programming, graphics and consumer electronics .Integence Company is a pioneer in Poland in use of technology such as : Augmented Reality, Kinect motion sensor and Leap Motion, Unity 3D environment , Arduino electronics and Rasberry Pi, and furthering the well-known brands in achieving astounding marketing results.With the combination of experience in creating 3D graphics, programming and design of specialized electronic circuits, Integence achieved unprecedented results in creating unique solutions on the market used in distinctive advertising campaigns, fairs, events, as well as desktop, web and mobile applications.So far Integence had the pleasure to support with its experience:PZU S.A., Nowy Styl Group, DW Group, Shah Consulting, Interactive Solutions, Yves Rocher Polska, Renault Polska, On Board Public Relations, Valeo Autosystemy, Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, FoodCare, T-Mobile Polska, Activ Investment, Polski Holding Nieruchomości, Alcaten-Lucent, Górnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów, Wydawnictwo Nowa Era, Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka, Profi-Lingua, Fundacja Świętego Mikołajaand many other satisfied customers .
Industry: Software
Company size: 1-10 employees
XRD rank: –
Headquarter: Katowice
Ownership: Partnership
Founded year: 2010
Skillset: aplikacje interaktywne, wizualizacje 3D, konfiguratory, rzeczywistość rozszerzona Augmented Reality, aplikacje mobilne, gry reklamowe Unity 3D, układy elektroniczne Arduino, sterowanie ruchem, and wirtualna przymierzalnia
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: Katowice, PL