Description: Illusionist is a multimedia production company comprised of young professionals of art, design and technology in one multi-disciplinary body. Creating multimedia solutions combining video, animation, lighting and sound, Illusionist offers the audience a unique experience in accordance with a communication strategy. Thus providing a wide range of services from video mapping to virtual reality, Illusionist professionally conjoins the artistic excellence with state-of-the-art technology.
Industry: Media
Company size: 11-50 employees
XRD rank: 5526391
Headquarter: Sarıyer, İstanbul
Ownership: Private company
Founded year: 2011
Skillset: Projection mapping, experiential marketing, AV support, Visual design, video mapping, multimedia production, interactive design, concept design, stage design, entertainment, brand experience, motion capture, concept design, multimedia, cgi, video production, production, and design center
Crunchbase profile: –
Funding rounds total: –
Selected investors: –
Location: Sarıyer, İstanbul 34396, TR