Description: Hidden In Plain Site is a Virtual Reality (VR) exploration of distinct, but easy to overlook sites that tells the story of the Black experience throughout history. Featuring actual examples from various angles and ages, these sites will be brought to impactful life through current appearance augmented with historical imagery. Our goal is to inform and educate while changing how residents and visitors see and experience their city.By traveling through time and around these sites we will reveal examples of tremendous history without monuments. Of a Black experience that exists around corners and at times under your feet. We’ve selected just a few sites that help illustrate what tells important stories that don’t have statues that stop you in your tracks. With the right perspective, we can create the monuments ourselves.Black history exists all around us no matter what monuments stand. The sites with the most pain are the most hidden. The most buried. We drive by them, we walk over them. In some cases we even park on them. But if we squint, if we remember, we can change our paths and our patterns. Change how we see the city as we commute through it. With help, we can revere and learn from that which is Hidden In Plain Site.

Industry: Media


Company size: 1-10 employees

XRD rank: –

Headquarter: Richmond, Virginia

Ownership: Partnership

Founded year: 2020

Skillset: –

Crunchbase profile: –

Funding rounds total: –

Selected investors: –

Location: Richmond, Virginia 23223, US