Description: PREMIERE HEURE IS A COMMERCIAL, MUSIC VIDEO, DIGITAL & VIRTUAL REALITY PRODUCTION COMPANY BASED IN PARIS. For 35 years Pre­miere Heure has been at the fore­front of cre­ative ad­ver­tis­ing film pro­duc­tion. The company is a creative meeting place for film directors from the fashion, advertising, feature and documentary worlds. The technological advancements in post-production and sound design and the development of digital content have encouraged the company to embrace a 360 degree approach to production and creative consultancy. From pho­tog­ra­phy to mu­sic, con­tem­po­rary art to sports, Pre­miere Heure is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary plat­form for pro­duc­ers & artists of to­day and to­mor­row.Premiere Heure has 13 different labels where experience meets experiment. Each label has its own territory and specific fields of expression, enabling the PH Group to have a transversal approach to its activity : Capisco, Excuse My French/Smuggler, Influence, Okio, Psycho, Schmooze, Saint Georges & Saint Louis, Super Vision, Uturn, Visio Prod & Wacko contact :

Industry: Media


Company size: 51-200 employees

XRD rank: –

Headquarter: Paris

Ownership: Partnership

Founded year: 1981

Skillset: Video clip, Digital, Virtual Reality, New Tech, Commercial, and Film

Crunchbase profile: –

Funding rounds total: –

Selected investors: –

Location: Paris, FR